
Compassion is something we give to others; when we find our common humanity with someone who we feel has been hurt or has done harm. Mercy is something we give to ourselves; when we find compassion for those who we feel have done the unthinkable, and in doing so we discover the deepest part . . . → Read More: Compassion

Did You See God?

In the face of so much disease and injustice, of so much tragedy and so much grief, I am grateful for the examples of our horse Gulliver and our dog Lilac, little Buddhas who weather these storms with a steady keel, moored to the essentials of food, shelter, comfort and . . . → Read More: Did You See God?

What My Dog Said

What my dog has said recently;

“I know I look like I am perfectly content, but I must get up and walk in circles, urgently looking for something more comfortable. Ah, this looks just right. Yes, I am aware, I am in the same spot.”

“Look deep into my eyes. You are beautiful. You saved . . . → Read More: What My Dog Said